BODO (buy one donate one) MASK
Founded BODO Mask, a buy one, donate one mask project. Committed to supplying quality masks to those in need each time someone buys a mask. I aimed to support healthcare heroes and join the effort to flatten the curve. Continuously improving to make a more significant impact during the pandemic.
Oct 2020 - Aug 2023
Personal Project
Key Skills
Media Design
Human Computer Interaction
Problem Solving
From branding to interaction
Created in collaboration with my dad, BODO mask addresses the essential need for masks amid high demand. Following a "buy one, donate one" approach, for every box sold, I contribute masks to those in need. Focused on quality, I researched and sourced masks with key features for effective protection against COVID-19, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding individuals, especially healthcare workers.
Recognizing the societal role in combating the virus, I expanded outreach through graphics and engaged influencers to broaden awareness and support. In the end I was able to sell and donate 200 mask packs to my local hospitals and homeless shelters.